How Real is BeReal?

     Ok I have to admit, BeReal was one of my favorite apps for a bit there. For anyone unfamiliar, BeReal is an app that provides one random time throughout a 24-hour period wherein everyone has to post what they are doing. BeReal’s intentions were to explore the realities of our worlds while encouraging authenticity effectively dismantling a narrated world that social media often perpetuates. While this is a fantastic goal, there were often times when each BeReal of mine just looked the same because I was in class, or work, or at home, and then repeated until the weekend. That repetition totally makes sense in the fact that that is truly my world at that exact moment and was the goal of BeReal, to show everyone just lives. It was such a joy though to include friends and family in my BeReals. I have recently deleted my BeReal and have had some time to reflect.

    The idea that I can show authentically what I am doing is exciting but sometimes I felt a little weird showing the same thing and felt like I would rather have a picture of my friend, who I was going to see in just a few minutes anyway, was excuse enough to not put out the BeReal at the exact time it went out. I assume that this was the case with many folks who have BeReal. Regardless, I found it was not really doing anything for my mental health so I decided my BeReal journey had ended. How do you think you provide feedback to BeReal if they were looking for it?

Enjoy some of my fav! 


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