“Don’t forget to add me on LinkedIn!”

 “Don’t forget to add me on LinkedIn” is a statement I have said so many times in my life. I have said it at the end of every conference presentation, any professional networking opportunity, and for sure have said it to mentors and supervisors to keep track of where I am in life. LinkedIn was not a phenomenon I was remotely interested in a few years ago. Today, I check LinkedIn almost daily, and definitely pay more attention there than I do Facebook. This is because I feel a responsibility towards it. I hope that sits with you for a second just as it did with me, a responsibility towards a social media site…

There was a correlation between the alleviation of fear and rejection and LinkedIn found by Ma and Leung (2019) and I certainly can relate to that when I think about my LinkedIn. It has become a story of mine and a part of my story. It has, truly, opened up opportunities for me to meet people I never thought I would be able to. I feel almost like I owe it appreciation, and don’t feel that way with any other social media site. I fall into the trap of thinking everyone sees LinkedIn the same way I do and assume everyone has one, which is not the case. Why do I owe LinkedIn anything? Do you owe any social media sites anything?

Ma, S.Q., Leung, L. The Impacts of Personality Traits, Use Intensity and Features Use of LinkedIn on Bridging Social Capital. Applied Research Quality Life 14, 1059–1078 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11482-018-9635-y


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