Digital Community!

When I was little, I could never keep my shoes tied, and people loved to make fun of that. But then I got Velcro shoes, and they made fun of that, too. But here's what I learned about failure... It sucks and I don't want my kids to feel it. Time to get them some Velcro shoes.” - Janine Teagues (Brunson et al., 2021)

    Janine Teagues is one of my favorite characters in any television series I have ever seen, and I have seen my fair share of them. People often ask what someone’s “comfort show is” and honestly Abbott Elementary continues to be mine. Through its resilience and kindness, it takes viewers on a journey that makes them feel like they are just as much a part of the school as any of them. So why am I rambling on about Abbott Elementary while quoting Janine in this course? Blogging, engaging with each other, and participating in several different digital locations has made this course feel as comfortable as this show. Digital courses are tough especially if they are asynchronous. I am so grateful for the last week off, but the excitement to come back proves the community we are building. The digital community is incredibly challenging to build but through the tenacity of this course, I feel it here. 

Going forward, I hope to find the velcro shoes in any online course ensuring that I am making connections and community as I go. Although not every online course will have the intentional community-building structure as this one, it will allow me to be intentional in my own practice of community-building. 

Brunson, Q., Halpern, J., Einhorn, R., Schumacker, P., Rubenstein, B. (Executive Producers). (2021- present). Abbott Elementary [TV series]. Delicious Non-sequitur productions; Warner Bros. Television; 20th Television.


  1. I love the quote you shared!! And I'm glad that you feel comfortable participating in the course. Although I haven't met many of our classmates, I feel connected to them through the blog and social media posts I've come across.


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